Well..Time's Almost Up
Monday, November 9, 2009
Its hard to say that will everyone still stay the same like this till next year,but Time Is Running Out For All Us Junior 1.I'm sure everyone will be much better next year,as everyone's Heart guides us all to success and happiness=) Its time for a new year,new friends(or old ones meeting new ones),new life and a new You~Its time to grow up and learn to face more and more difficulties,eventhough its not everyday we see difficulties,but what you have to start to is , spend all of your time with your friends till the very end. Dont hurt them=)~Cherish them=)~ It might be new for everyone,but we'll just have to deal with it,no matter how hard,we'll still have to deal with it =) Learn how to trust and find friends who respect you,dont choose the wrong way,you'll regret it.Next year might be hard for everyone to accept,but..I feel the same way too but i'm still eager to face the facts though o.o~lol,just hope I wont run into trouble as much as this year =D
Jiayou To All Junior 1 2009~We'll Meet Next Year Mixed Up As Junior 2 2010